My monster character is starting to suspiciously resemble an existing character many people know already:

Toothless from "How To Train A Dragon"???

What do you think? I'm kinda not worried about the close resemblance. I like to think that I am unconsciously inspired by that film. It is absolutely awesome, and features many lizardy friends who would provide some excellent research for my work. My monster is the evil version of Toothless, minus the wings and plus the weird glowing tattoos.
Anyway, above is a mini preview of one of my animatic/storyboard shots.
I've been working hard on a few of the scenes for my story. I'm trying lots of different things out., including camera angles and shots. I've also tried to be flexible when posing my characters. I tend to sometimes restrict my drawings to being rather flat, but I feel I have done well to avoid this.
As far as the victim is concerned, I have done a couple of sketches that I'm not altogether happy with, which I will upload soon.