Wednesday 22 September 2010

Research - Bedrooms cont.

The way an individual's bedroom looks says a lot about the person that sleeps in it. How tidy the person is, the kind of things the person likes, the colour scheme chosen for the room, the style of the furniture... I could go on forever. The way this environment looks is extremely important, and I want to make sure it looks right, and fits the personality of the boy.

As it stands, I think the boy's personality is as follows. The boy is...

  • Kind-hearted and generally has good morales
  • Possessive (Finds it hard to share, possibly because he is an only child)
  • Slightly spoilt
  • Extremely imaginative (Is the story just his imagination?)
  • Impulsive
And for the record, here's the personality of the monster character aswell...
  • Cheeky, naughty, and likes to tease
  • Very lonely
  • Doesn't know how to make friends
  • Rather unfamiliar with humans
  • Stubborn
  • Kind but misunderstood
Based on some of this information, I can start to form some concept art. I'm going to begin doing some concepts of the room. I have already started doodling the characters. I will upload these in a post soon.

I have opened a new Livestream accoount, which I will be using to film me as I work. If all goes well, I will be able to upload the videos of my development work on here to be viewed. I haven't done anything like this before, though so fingers crossed!

Here's a link: wackyw Livestream

Here's an attempt to upload my first Livestream session.

... And here's the rather sketchy image that can be seen in that video.

There's definitely room for improvement. This is meant to be an image representing the room BEFORE the lights are turned off. I forgot to add the glow coming from the rather blob-like lamp. I tried using the contrast colours blue and orange as much as possible. There isn't a lot of shadow work either. I guess this gives you an idea of what I'm going for though.

I've always imagined the shot to be facing to the right, as opposed to the left, though I may try different angles. I must make sure this room doesn't look too generic, so I will try lots of different things

This is my first attempt, so I'm hoping I can do the next few concepts with a lot more detail and awesomeness. I fail a bit at doing backgrounds. I prefer doing characters rather then BGs. However this is good practice, and I won't give up!

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